Training Registration

Join us for training and begin your journey towards becoming an addiction and alcoholism interventionist. Matt Brown and Sam Davis have combined experience of over 30 years working with families and helping struggling individuals get the help they need.  Once your training is completed, you may be offered the opportunity to start working in tandem with the trainers to coach families right here on Intervention On Call.

Training cost will be $1,000 per person

What will i learn?
  • Begin the process of CIP certification with the Pennsylvania Certification Board
  • Training Hours- 1 Ethics, 5 Family Systems, 5 Intervention Theory, 6 Crisis
  • Navigating initial contact for service to determine what level of care is needed
  • The art of LISTENING-what clients say and more importantly what they don’t say
  • Create motivation, hope, and willingness for change
  • Identify the roles family members assume (enabler, lost child, banker, janitor, etc)
  • Process to unite dysfunctional family/support systems towards common goals
  • Pull families from a crisis mindset to a solution mindset
  • The art of removing options for an addicted individual to create willingness in a kind and loving way
  • Scheduling an intervention (surprise vs. invitational)
  • Setting up your private independent practice
  • Continued mentorship and support of seasoned interventionists with decades of experience
  • The importance of self-care and protection against transference
  • Boundary setting strategies with clients
  • Recognizing burnout
  • Networking and marketing yourself while building your brand in the industry
IOC Training Event at The Arbor in Georgetown, TX 2023

I went to the training to learn and expand my program. I left with just that AND inspiration and enthusiasm. The IOC Training in Austin was outstanding and the amount of knowledge shared was impressive. I would and probably will sign up for another workshop. Not just the lead by Matt and Sam, but the engagement with peers was very rewarding. Thank you.
Client Testimonial
leaving drug rehab early

Intervention/Admissions Training Registration

There are not trainings scheduled at the moment.

Make an Appointment

Each appointment is priced at a flat rate of $150/hour. To get started, all you need to do is complete the accelerated registration process on our secure telehealth platform. In just five minutes, you can access real-time solutions from credentialed interventionists—no more endless searches, racing thoughts, or sleepless nights trying to figure out what to do. We’re here for you.

Intervention On Call
Free Family Support Group

An excellent resource for families struggling with addiction.