Pre-Intervention Preparation

The key to a successful intervention is thorough preparation. Intervention On Call gives you the tools you need to break through your loved one’s denial and inspire them to seek recovery.

What You Need to Know Before Intervening

If your family member is in the depths of addiction, you might have already decided that an intervention is necessary. This process may seem daunting on paper, but rest assured that with proper guidance, you can hold an effective, powerful meeting that motivates your loved one to attend treatment.

At Intervention On Call, our interventionists are seasoned experts. Their mission is to share the techniques that have worked for thousands of people addicted to drugs or alcohol. When you meet with your interventionist, he or she will give you a comprehensive list of everything you need to know before staging your intervention. Our pre-intervention preparation services provide the foundation you need for a constructive, successful gathering.

Preparing for an Intervention

We believe that family-led conversations have the power to change the course of an addicted individual’s life. However, we have also found that there are a few factors that separate effective interventions from unproductive, upsetting confrontations. We want to be sure everything goes according to plan. That’s why our interventionists are available through an on-demand, immediate appointment system.

Our interventionists provide thorough training so that you feel prepared for the big day. You can expect your consultation to cover all major facets of the planning process, including:

  • Determining whether your loved one needs an intervention: Is a confrontation necessary? How severe is their substance use disorder? Our experts will help you decide how to proceed.
  • Choosing the members of your intervention team: How many people should you invite, and how do you decide which friends and family members would be good contributors? We’ll help you to build a team with influence and leverage.
  • Educating yourself and your family members about the disease of addiction: Addiction is a confusing and overwhelming condition, and healing requires treatment, not willpower. The more your family knows about substance use disorder, the better prepared they will be to intervene.
  • Understanding what enabling looks like (and how to stop): Shielding your loved one from the natural consequences of their actions is a form of enabling that can perpetuate a substance use disorder. We’ll teach you how to set boundaries and stop for good.
  • Writing effective letters: Letters can help your intervention team convey their feelings and explain the impact that your loved one’s addiction has had on the family unit. However, it’s important to write effective letters free of judgment and blame. Your interventionist will walk you through the process of crafting letters that cut through denial and inspire change.
  • Coordinating the order of events: Our interventionists will help you to plan the entire conversation from start to finish, ensuring that you have the best chance of getting through to your loved one.
  • Predicting their reactions: People addicted to drugs or alcohol are masters of excuses. They may come up with any number of reasons as to why they can’t go to treatment just yet. Our interventionists have heard it all. They’ll let you know what to expect and how to counter your loved one’s protestations.
  • Protecting your emotional safety: When someone you love is addicted, you’ll feel overwhelmed, anxious, sad, and maybe even traumatized. Our experts will give you the tools you need to remain emotionally safe throughout the process.
  • Deciding what comes next: Finally, our interventionists can help you to determine what will happen after your loved one’s intervention.
Helping You Get Through to Them

Addiction is a disease fueled by denial. Until the family breaks through this barrier and provides the addicted individual with a moment of clarity, things will get progressively worse, as you are dealing with a chronic and progressive illness. If you’re planning to confront your loved one about their substance use, we encourage you to make an appointment with an Intervention On Call interventionist.

Our seasoned interventionists are available immediately and will meet with you within 48 hours, guaranteed. To touch base with a trained crisis and intervention expert, all you have to do is book an appointment on our easy-to-use online platform. We look forward to speaking with you.

The Intervention On Call team has saved my son and our family, and given us the tools we need as he continues his sobriety. I truly feel that the staff are compassionate and really care about helping people in need.

Family Member of a Recovering Addicted individual

Make an Appointment

Each appointment is priced at a flat rate of $150/hour. To get started, all you need to do is complete the accelerated registration process on our secure telehealth platform. In just five minutes, you can access real-time solutions from credentialed interventionists—no more endless searches, racing thoughts, or sleepless nights trying to figure out what to do. We’re here for you.

Intervention On Call
Free Family Support Group

An excellent resource for families struggling with addiction.