Lindsay Barclay

Hi, my name is Lindsay Barclay and I am a Nationally Certified Intervention Professional located in Mayflower, Arkansas. I have been working in the field of Addiction and Mental Health for nearly a decade. My experience in active addiction led me to totaling two cars in a period of about 4 months, both by passing out at the wheel due to being under the influence of drugs. The second time, I woke up in the hospital and called my parents, hoping that they would save me and help me get back on my feet so that I could begin the cycle of my addiction over again.

Much to my surprise, the answer was “No”. I quickly realized that they weren’t going to rescue me and that I was going to have to be the one to solve my own problem this time. I was finally uncomfortable enough to want change. Within a week, I was on a flight to a long-term treatment center that completely transformed the way that I did life. This experience was what allowed me to see that I had a unique calling and to discover my passion in helping others free themselves from addiction as well. I was able to visit women’s jail facilities and work with the court system to help women seek treatment rather than incarceration. From there, I started my career as the Assistant Director of a Non-Profit in Hawaii with a mission of helping families re-unite after being torn apart by drug addiction, child abuse & neglect.

Since moving back to Arkansas, I have helped lead several treatment centers and currently sit on the Board of Directors at an all women’s faith-based treatment center in Conway, Arkansas. I decided that I wanted to lead something of my own and this is how my company, Eden Intervention, was born. I have now partnered with André Viel (who is also an Interventionist option on Intervention On Call). We have found that as a team, we are able to work with a much more broad spectrum of clientele.

We know that it can be overwhelming and difficult to figure out where to even start. There was never a rule book or a guide given to you for if your child/loved one becomes addicted to drugs or alcohol. But, we also believe that families innately have the ability to empower their loved one towards change, they just need to be guided on how to do so. We will work with you from the very beginning, while your loved one is in treatment and even when they graduate from treatment. Our goal is not only to help your loved one get freed from addiction but to help heal your lives as well.

Make an Appointment

Each appointment is priced at a flat rate of $150/hour. To get started, all you need to do is complete the accelerated registration process on our secure telehealth platform. In just five minutes, you can access real-time solutions from credentialed interventionists—no more endless searches, racing thoughts, or sleepless nights trying to figure out what to do. We’re here for you.

Intervention On Call
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An excellent resource for families struggling with addiction.